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  • Strategic Intent Subprocesses

    From Vision to Mission
    Values and Objective



    Next process

    Choose 4 values based on short verbes.
    They should be what you believe in, but also consistent with Unique Sales Proposition/Key sucess factors.

    - If your community is pro open-source, «Be open» could be a company value.
    - An auditor should choose "Be honest" over "Be creative".

    Choosing an objective
    The key objective is the overall reason for starting the business. Most companies are started with profitability as the key objective. However they may also do some philantrophy/sponsoring in the local community. This philantrophy could be strategic, and result in competitive advantage. (Why do a beer brand sponsor rugby?) What is natural to support according to your values?
    Some companies makes «do good» their objective, and use their corporate social responsibility as the most important competive advantage.
    - Key ojectives of Body Shop.
    - A good example is Daimler (producer of Mercedes-Benz).
    It starts with «Our overriding corporate goal is to achieve sustained profitable growth and thus continually increase the value of the Group….” and shows how this is linked to its values, mission and competitive advantages.